Monday, October 22, 2007

daietto o shimasu (go on a diet) ...

Like many others, I have tried various methods and products in slashing down those unwanted extra kilos and like many other victims, I fail. All the money and effort jump into the sea without getting any positive results. Not only that, I gain extra kilos after ending the entire diet program. I fail for numerous times until I decided to leave it as it is. After all, this is a curse that I can’t get rid off.

Recently I went to my cousin sister’s wedding. The groom is one my best friend. I knew him since primary school when I was in standard one. I have not seen them for the past 3 months until the recent wedding ceremony. You’ll be surprise on how much he and my cousin have toned down. It furthers reinforce my belief on the curse that have hunted me for years.

To add salt to the wound, those who attended the ceremony, mainly my friends and relatives give me a harsh comment which I should have expected but in a more acceptable way. Comments like “Wah! What happen to you? How come suddenly become so fat?”. The same phrase keeps on repeating by those who I am close with. I felt something is piercing my heart. It is so painful until I couldn’t stand anymore. No blood coming out from the wound except all my self-esteem going to ashes.

I couldn’t eat that night nor could I stand tall. I have decided to wage one last holy war against those unwanted extra kilos. May the gods bless me with perseverance and success!!

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